• WINNER - Employee of the Year 2022 Junction Magazine Awards

    WINNER - Employee of the Year 2022 Junction Magazine Awards

    CONGRATULATIONS Cherie Williams (Ngāti Wai, Ngāti Manuhiri) We are so proud of you and grateful for all you do.  Empowering customers with your Manaakitanga (welcoming), Aroha (love) and imparting your Matauranga (Māori knowledge) with locals and visitors to the Matakana gallery.  You are a gem within the Matakana Coast region. 

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  • VOTE for UNITY COLLECTION Junction Awards 2022

    VOTE for UNITY COLLECTION Junction Awards 2022

    This year the J Awards is rewarding excellence in different areas of business. Thank you for voting for us. We are so grateful for your ongoing support VOTING STARTSWednesday 18th May VOTING CLOSESMonday 6th June

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  • Unity Branded Car

    Unity Branded Car

    Deeply grateful to Rangi Kipa and Blake Enting for this beautifully designed waka.

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  • TOROA Contemporary Taonga

    TOROA Contemporary Taonga

    TOROA has created this beautiful contemporary collection exclusive for Unity. May the calm be widespread. May the ocean glisten as Greenstone and Aotea. May the shimmer of light ever dance across your pathway. Kia hora te marina. Kia whakapapa Pounamu me Aotea te moana. Kia tere te Karohirohi i mua i tou huarahi. 

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