February 05 2024 – Tania Rupapera

Unity Featured in AirNZ Kia Ora Magazine!
Kia Ora, whānau! We’re proud to announce that Unity is in the AirNZ Kia Ora Magazine and Matakana made the cover too! If you’re travelling this month be sure to take home your copy of AirNZ Kia Ora Magazine. Featuring Unity Collection and our beautiful Matakana Coast.
“Old-world charm meets innovation in a village on the northern fringes of Auckland where creatives and artisans make their mark.”
Tania Rupapera (Ngaruahine, Ngati Kahu), Director, Founder, Curator of Unity Collection.
A stroll around Matakana exploring the broad range of boutique shops is a great way to tune into what makes this region so special and meet locals responsible for its magnetism. Like Tania Rupapera, the convivial purveyor of Māori art, fashion and wellbeing treasures showcased at Unity Collection. Greeting new customers like old friends, she enthusiastically shares insights into the provenance of each item; the warmth she infuses into her gallery is almost tangible. There’s a high chance that while you’re browsing, one of the more than 60 creatives represented here will drop in, creating quite the party atmosphere. -Story by Cath Bennett
Read the full article here:AirNZ Kia Ora Magazine article on Unity Collection. https://7a3c073e.flowpaper.com/KiaOraFebruary2024/#section=5 |