August 23 2023 – Tania Rupapera

Tania Rupapera - Mana Coaching Founder, Director, Coach and Facilitator, and Unity Collection Founder and Curator.
Tania’s Story |
Tania Rupapera is from Taranaki (Ngāruahine) and Northland (Ngāti Kahu). Born and raised in Taranaki before heading to Wellington and starting her business Unity Collection when she was just 21.
Unity Collection in Wellington was very successful, winning awards and stocking successful brands like Trelise Cooper and Karen Walker. This gallery proudly supported start-ups including Jimmy D who launched his career as a designer while at Unity. His first collection won the Mercedes Young Designer award. As a buyer, Tania was renowned for spotting new designers.
After 15 years, Tania left this business and travelled throughout Europe for 5 years. Her son, Wiremu was born in Mallorca, Spain, before returning home to New Zealand where she settled in Matakana, launching Unity Collection (with a new Kaupapa) alongside Mana Coaching and Mana Mindset.
A Lifestyle & Leadership Coach
Tania is an experienced coach and facilitator with more than 20 years’ experience working with entrepreneurs and start-ups. She is an NLP certified practitioner, a Te Aka coach for Māori Women Development Inc. as well as other coaching and facilitating contracts with Māori organisations, she has private coaching clients throughout the world from all walks of life and industries.
Tania is the creator of the Mana Mindset Well-being Wānanga, a 2 day online programme designed to equip you with a well-being plan. It is a personal development journey focused on building your self-awareness. Through her style of coaching she is acknowledged for helping those she works with gain clarity on what they want in life, and how to consciously design a quality lifestyle.
Tania is passionate about coaching, facilitating and connecting with the intention of opening minds and growing people. She thrives on the journey of collaborating with entrepreneurs to develop their business and is known for her energy, enthusiasm, support and challenge, powerful insight and intuition.
A Future at Unity Collection
Embracing her culture, supporting start-ups and established brands, she weaves her passions to bring this beautiful kaupapa to life at Unity Collection. Unity is about authentic Māori storytelling to share their journey through design, fashion and art. Tania kindly provided us with a deeper insight into Unity and what’s in store for the future through these questions, have a read… |
Why did you start Unity?
A rare opportunity arose when a retail space became available in the Matakana Village and I saw Unity being a place of connectivity for creatives, culture and community.
How do you find Maori artists and creators to work with?
Through my networks, friends and coaching clients wanting to expand their businesses. Another core value of unity is to support economic development. I am always researching and connecting with potential stockists. I have a clear vision and know what I want at the gallery. High quality and depth of design and storytelling is a main criteria along with Iwi affiliation. Relationships are built and the journey evolves.
What is the meaning behind Unity?
Connectivity through creativity.
What's next for Unity?
Continue to grow our artists at the gallery, create events for our community to connect with our creatives. There are talks of growth in other ways however I highly value having a quality lifestyle so if it aligns with my values I will go for it.
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Tagged: Art, Contemporary Gallery, Creatives, economic independence, empower women, Fashion, Gallery, gift, jewellery, Māori, Maori Artist, Matakana, taonga