November 16 2021 – Tania Rupapera

The Power of Intention...
Our first week open and I hear myself describing retail as "intentional shoppers"
I thank you all for making our first week reopen a pleasant experience. Your intentional shopping and visits are greatly appreciated.
It was my intention to create a fun vibe, limited korero to conserve energy and give myself a chance to find my feet. At the end of the day I am feeling relaxed and with energy which is lovely to experience.
Usually I am an introvert recharger but during this Auckland lockdown I found I craved connectivity and contact with my closest friends and whanau. Our Matakana community are positively embracing Unity being open and supporting our journey. We are feeling truly blessed to be part of the retail community in the Matakana Village.
Our extended whanau throughout Aotearoa, we thank you for supporting us with your kind words of support and your beautiful thoughtful purchases online, not to mention patience with delivery delays.
It has definitely been a memorable few months and one chapter of the Unity book that I am happy to see coming to an end.
Next chapter's intention is to celebrate life daily.
Our one year birthday was quietly celebrated with Moet last Saturday.
I intend to continue this as we step into year two of Unity, create new experiences and bring you newness through Mahi Toi to brighten your world.
Aroha Nui
Tania x