November 10 2021 – Tania Rupapera

re-OPEN today!!!!
Nau mai, haere mai, Welcome back to Unity.
We are so excited to be re-OPENing today 10am - 4pm.
Just in time to celebrate our ONE year birthday!
Join us in smiling behind our face mask, standing strong, connected and ready to share the AROHA.
During this level of L3:S2 we are committed to 2-3 people in store at one time. Please sanitise on entry, wear your face mask and sign in. We will be capturing details for all our Manuhiri (visitor) into our private database. We really appreciate your support as we find our feet in this level.
Our intention is to have FUN and give lots of air hugs! Very much needed after 3 months closed.
If you would prefer to have the gallery for a private shopping experience please txt Tania 021 333 377 and book a time. In your own bubble you can have the space to yourself with myself as we celebrate this next chapter in this journey and find your gifts.
Ka kite ano whanau.
Looking forward to seeing you all soon xx
Tagged: Art, Contemporary Gallery, Creatives, Design, Fashion, Gallery, Māori, Matakana, Matakana Coast